rm -rf on hammer

Steve O'Hara-Smith steve at sohara.org
Thu May 28 10:24:01 PDT 2009

On Thu, 28 May 2009 18:59:41 +0200
Max Herrgaard <herrgaard at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi.
> I found this with rm(1) and the -f flag on master with a hammer file  
> system:
>  > mkdir foo
>  > rm -rf foo
> recursively remove foo?
> I don't know if it has something to do with how hammer handles  
> directories?

	Nope it has to do with rm being aliased to 'rm -I' by default.

Steve O'Hara-Smith                          |   Directable Mirror Arrays
C:>WIN                                      | A better way to focus the sun
The computer obeys and wins.                |    licences available see
You lose and Bill collects.                 |    http://www.sohara.org/

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