[issue989] installer/fdisk trouble with wrapped values

Simon 'corecode' Schubert (via DragonFly issue tracker) sinknull at crater.dragonflybsd.org
Fri Jan 23 07:03:50 PST 2009

Simon 'corecode' Schubert <corecode at fs.ei.tum.de> added the comment:

To add some input:

FreeBSD  wraps values
NetBSD   wraps head + sec, sets cyl to 1023
Solaris  sets cyl to 1023, sec to 63, head to 254 (!)

I think the NetBSD way seems reasonable.  Unless somebody can point me to hard
evidence that setting values to all 1's is required, I'll make the change soon.

assignedto:  -> corecode
nosy: +corecode
title: Installer seems to overwrite partition table -> installer/fdisk trouble with wrapped values

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