Stack overflow in smbd 3.0.14.a

Joerg Anslik joerg at
Wed Jun 15 11:53:35 PDT 2005


I just upgraded my samba stuff from ports to 3.0.14a, and now get the
following error whenever I try to map a network drive:

[2005/06/15 19:14:54, 0] smbd/server.c:open_sockets_smbd(388)
  open_sockets_smbd: accept: Software caused connection abort

Is this a known issue under 1.3.2-DEVELOPMENT?



who | grep -i blonde | talk; cd ~; wine; talk; touch;
unzip; touch; strip; gasp; finger; gasp; mount;
fsck; more; yes; gasp; umount; make clean; sleep

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