Buildworld error/panic

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Tue Dec 20 11:29:26 PST 2005

:Ok, I have tried the latest snapshot. With it, I got panic on
:buildkernel, buildworld and even during the xorg compilation. All I
:did is keep trying building the kernel/world with the hope I don't hit
:the panic. Sometimes it takes couple of panic (occurs at different
:places for each build) before it actually build without panic. For
:xorg, I only tried once but it also gave me panic. After that I gave

    We need to know what the panic actually was, and a ddb> backtrace
    if possible.

    Generally speaking if you are getting different panics it is probably
    hardware.  If you are getting the same panics over and over again
    then it is likely software.

:Maybe the problem is caused by the bad hard disk but not the code.
:Right now I'm using Windows XP and it works 'OK' but I can hear
:uncommon sound comes from the hard disk especially during heavy I/O
:operation though. I think I am going to stick to Windows XP for a
:while until the hard disk is totally broken or maybe I should get a
:new hard disk for my dual-core xpc shuttle :-)
:Farid Kamarudin

    If you have a dual-core Shuttle XPC then you need to do two things:

    (1) Update to the latest BIOS from shuttle, if you haven't already.

    (2) Any SMP DragonFly kernel you build must be built with:
	options         CPU_AMD64X2_INTR_SPAM

	In the kernel config file.

					Matthew Dillon 
					<dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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