Corrupted partition table

Chris Pressey cpressey at
Fri Sep 24 20:01:24 PDT 2004

On Fri, 24 Sep 2004 21:43:46 -0400
Garance A Drosihn <drosih at xxxxxxx> wrote:

> [...]
> This is a new disk with nothing important on it, so if there is some
> newer version then I'd be willing to try that.  I'm not really up
> for a lot of debugging-effort on my part though.  This is the third
> time I've tried to install Dragonfly (over three months), and the
> third time it has toasted partitions already in use by other OS's.

I'm sorry to hear that.  I'm not sure what you consider "a lot of
debugging effort", but if you're willing to try reproducing the problem
from the start, the following would be *very* helpful:

- the output of 'fdisk -s' from the DragonFly Live CD *before* you start
the install,
- the file /tmp/install.log after the install is done (of course, if
the install doesn't work, getting that file will prove difficult...
establishing a network connection and FTP'ing the file to another
computer, before you reboot, might be easiest), and
- the output of 'fdisk -s' after the install.

A discrepancy between these items would constitute 'hard evidence'
that the installer is messing something up (and would hopefully yield
enough of a clue to indicate to us where the error is.)


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