kernel panic on dfbsd 1.0A with a laptop

Jeroen Ruigrok/asmodai asmodai at
Tue Sep 21 13:06:30 PDT 2004

Ciao 'snagg',

-On [20040921 21:52], snagg (snagg at xxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
>when I try to lunch dfbsd on my laptop it goes in kernel panic . I really 
>don't know how can I report the bug , so I'm gonna try to explain the 
>it segfaults with acpi_* functions , then a sysctl_root(0,d2bd4,4,d2bd4b50,0)
>and finally the debugger promnt. I don't know what else can I say . Hope to be 
>usefull . 

Can you try booting without ACPI?

How far in the boot does it panic?  Right at the beginning?  Please provide
some detail of how far it goes (for example: write down the last 2-3 lines
before the panic).

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai(at)> / asmodai / kita no mono
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