Bootloader problems

Simon 'corecode' Schubert corecode at
Tue Aug 31 04:07:19 PDT 2004

On 31.08.2004, at 07:08, Jeroen Ruigrok/asmodai wrote:
-On [20040831 04:12], Jud (judmarc at xxxxxxxxx) wrote:
Installed latest GCC2 and GCC3 snapshots from <URL:> (GCC2
dated August 31, GCC3 August 28) using installer from the iso, one
right after the other, exactly the same configuration for both.  GCC2
boots without problems, GCC3 produces the restart bug on my system.
OK, so our top priority becomes finding out why a GCC 3 made loader is 
tits up.
see my other posting some days ago. I don't think this hex stuff comes 
from loader, it more seems like boot2. I had this problem too on 
virtualpc/gcc3, but i don't have much time to look into that. but i'll 
be happy to run+try patches/debug stuff.

maybe we should start comparing assembly of boot2 done with gcc2 and 
gcc3 (mbr/boot0/boot1 are assembly source anyways) and then move to 
loader (ficl being [maybe] a problem here)

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